[1]吴怡雪 童莺歌* 陈思亦 韩芷晴 薛子豪 姚兰宋晓萍 胡凯燕 邱文波.患者就医体验调查问卷的汉化及信效度评价[J].中国卫生质量管理,2022,29(11):061-66.[doi:10.13912/j.cnki.chqm.2022.29.11.15 ]
 WU Yixue,TONG Yingge,CHEN Siyi.Chinesization of Patient Experience Questionnaire and its Reliability and Validity Evaluation[J].Chinese Health Quality Management,2022,29(11):061-66.[doi:10.13912/j.cnki.chqm.2022.29.11.15 ]


《中国卫生质量管理》[ISSN:1006-7515/CN:CN 61-1283/R]



Chinesization of Patient Experience Questionnaire and its Reliability and Validity Evaluation
吴怡雪1 童莺歌1* 陈思亦1 韩芷晴1 薛子豪2 姚兰3宋晓萍4 胡凯燕5 邱文波6
WU YixueTONG YinggeCHEN Siyi
School of Nursing, Hangzhou Normal University
InpatientPatient ExperienceQuestionnaireChinesizationReliability Validity
目的汉化患者就医体验调查问卷《我们做得如何(howRwe)》,并检验其信效度和可读性。方法 采用Brislin经典回译模型对howRwe问卷进行直译、回译、等效性评价、文化调适和预测试,形成中文版howRwe问卷(howRwe-C),便利抽取杭州市两家三甲医院的499名成人住院患者进行问卷信效度检验,邀请研究者评价问卷可读性,便利选取60名住院患者测定问卷作答时间,改编howRwe-C问卷介绍语并选取60名癌痛患者进行试应用。采用SPSS 25.0软件进行统计分析。结果howRwe-C问卷Cronbach’s α系数为0.940;各条目内容效度和问卷总内容效度均为1.0;探索性因子分析共提取出1个公因子,累计方差贡献率为84.666%;健康素养充足患者howRwe-C问卷得分为(9.28±2.33)分,健康素养不足患者howRwe-C问卷得分为(7.13±2.89)分,两组得分比较差异有统计学意义(Z=-8.006,P<0.01)。howRwe-C问卷所含常用词29个、非常用词4个,平均作答时间为(54.14±27.74)s。癌痛管理示范化病房患者howRwe-C问卷得分为(10.57±1.65)分,非癌痛管理示范化病房患者howRwe-C问卷得分为(9.60±1.79)分,两者评分比较具有统计学差异(Z=-2.044,P=0.041)。结论howRwe-C问卷的信效度、可读性良好,所需作答时间短,可用于医院评价住院患者就医体验。
ObjectiveTo translate the patient experience questionnaire "how are we doing" (howRwe) into Chinese version (howRwe-C), and to test its reliability, validity and readability. MethodsThe Brislin classic back translation model was used to conduct literal translation, back translation, equivalence evaluation, cultural adaptation and pre-test of the howRwe questionnaire. The Chinese version of howRwe questionnaire (howRwe-C) was formed, and 499 adult inpatients from two tertiary hospitals in Hangzhou were conveniently selected to test the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Researchers were invited to evaluate the readability of the questionnaire, and 60 inpatients were conveniently selected to measure the response time of the questionnaire. The introduction of howRwe-C questionnaire was adapted and 60 patients with cancer pain were selected for trial application. SPSS 25.0 software was used for statistical analysis.ResultsThe Cronbach's α coefficient of howRwe-C questionnaire was 0.940. Both the content validity index for item and the content validity index for scales were 1.0. Exploratory factor analysis extracted one common factor, and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 84.666%. The howRwe-C score of patients with adequate health literacy was (9.28±2.33). The howRwe-C score of patients with health literacy deficiency was (7.13±2.89), and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant (Z=-8.006, P< 0.01). The howRwe-C questionnaire contained 29 common words and 4 non-common words, and the response time was (54.14±27.74) s. The howRwe-C score of patients in the cancer pain management demonstration ward was (10.57±1.65) , and the howRwe-C score of patients in the non-cancer pain management demonstration ward was (9.60±1.79), and the difference was statistically significant (Z=-2.044, P=0.041). Conclusion The howRwe-C questionnaire has good reliability, validity, readability, short response time, and can be used in hospitals to evaluate inpatients' medical experience.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-11-28