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《中国卫生质量管理》[ISSN:1006-7515/CN:CN 61-1283/R]



A Scoping Review of Hypertension Management Leading by Nurses
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
护士 单纯性原发性高血压 高血压管理范围综述护理质量
Nurse Simple Essential Hypertension Hypertension Management Scope of ReviewNursing Quality
目的对国内外护士主导的高血压管理相关研究进行范围审查,为完善护士主导的高血压防治措施提供循证建议。方法系统检索中国生物医学文献数据库、中国知网、万方、维普、Web of Science、PubMed、CINAHL、Cochrane和Embase等数据库2010年1月1日至2020年9月20日相关研究,提取相关信息。结果共纳入22篇文献。主导护士类别包括社区护士、医院护士、专科护士,管理团队以护士主导的多学科团队为主,管理形式以面对面会议、电话随访、电子邮件等形式为主,管理内容涉及评估、设定健康目标、个性化指导、与多学科团队沟通、转介、评价与反馈等,评价指标以患者血压变化/血压控制达标率、治疗/服药依从性为主,仅1项以社区护士为主导的研究显示与常规护理相比血压未明显下降。结论护士主导的高血压管理措施对单纯性原发性高血压具有较好效果。建议基于区域医联体,建立医院—社区—家庭高血压管理模式;完善我国社区护士认证与培养体系;借鉴其他发展中国家护士处方权经验,结合我国国情,制定相关法律法规,适当给予护士一定范围内处方权;发展“互联网+”慢病管理模式。
ObjectiveTo review studies on nurses leading hypertension management, to provide evidence-based recommendations on nurses leading hypertension prevention and control measures.MethodsRelevant studies were systematic retrieved in CNKI, Wanfang, Web of Science , PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane and Embase from January 1, 2010 to September 20, 2020. The information were extracted.ResultsA total of 22 literatures were included. Leading nurses categories including community nurses, hospital nurse's, and specialist nurse's. The management team was mainly the nurse leading multi-disciplinary team, management form included face-to-face meetings, telephone follow-up and E-mail, and management content involved evaluation, setting health goals, personalized guidance, communication with multidisciplinary team, referral, evaluation and feedback, etc.The evaluation indexes were mainly blood pressure change, blood pressure control compliance rate and treatment/medication compliance. Only one study led by community nurses showed no significant decrease in blood pressure compared with conventional nursing.Conclusion Nurse-leading hypertension management has a good effect on simple essential hypertension. It is suggested to establish hospital-community-family hypertension management mode based on regional medical association; improve the certification and training system of community nurses in China; learn from the experience of prescribing nurses in other developing countries, and combining the national conditions, formulate relevant laws and regulations to appropriately give nurses prescribing rights within a certain range; develop the "Internet Plus" mode for chronic disease management.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-01-28