[1]宋晓刘丽华邵静王冲王永娜刘晓乐.第二受害者的经验与支持调查:以某精神专科医院护士为例[J].中国卫生质量管理,2022,29(09):011-16.[doi:10.13912/j.cnki.chqm.2022.29.9.03 ]
 SONG Xiao,LIU Lihua,SHAO Jing.The Second Victim Experience and Support Survey: A Case Study of Nurses in a Psychiatric Hospital[J].Chinese Health Quality Management,2022,29(09):011-16.[doi:10.13912/j.cnki.chqm.2022.29.9.03 ]


《中国卫生质量管理》[ISSN:1006-7515/CN:CN 61-1283/R]



The Second Victim Experience and Support Survey: A Case Study of Nurses in a Psychiatric Hospital
Beijing Huilongguan Hospital
Patient Safety Adverse Events Psychiatric Hospital Nurses Second VictimExperience and Support
ObjectiveTo investigate the experience and support status of nurses in psychiatric hospital as secondary victims in patient safety incidents, and analyze the influencing factors. MethodsConvenience sampling was used to select 280 nurses from a tertiary psychiatric hospital in Beijing in September 2020 for a questionnaire survey. Single factor analysis of variance and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the influencing factors. ResultsThe report rate of negative experience of the second victim of nurses in psychiatric hospitals was higher, and the dimensions of experience and support score were "psychological pain" and "turnover intention". There were statistically significant differences in the total score of experience and support scale among nurses of different age groups, working years, experienced patient safety incidents and times of direct experience (P<0.05). Direct and indirect experiences of patient safety incidents were the common influencing factors of nurses' secondary victim experience and support level and turnover intention. Age > 45 was a common influencing factor for the level of experience and support of the nurse's second victim and absenteeism.Conclusion Managers of psychiatric hospitals should pay attention to the physical and mental health of the second victims of nurses, establish supportive safety culture and corresponding supportive projects to ensure their safety.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-09-28