发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/4/13 11:57:39  浏览次数:1248次
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——徐小凤 李彩丽 何凌霄 曹晓翼 蒋艳

【摘要】目的 分析国内外患者参与患者安全相关调查研究进展,为患者参与患者安全研究的进一步开展提供参考。方法 以Web of Science、PubMed、EMBASE、中国知网、维普、万方、中国生物医学等国内外数据库为数据来源,检索建库至2019年12月31日有关患者参与患者安全调查研究的相关文献,并采用文献计量学方法进行描述性分析。结果 共检索到相关文献1 355篇,经筛选后纳入文献69篇。患者参与患者安全调查研究近年来呈逐年增加趋势;作者国籍为中国居多(43篇,62.31%);文献合作度为4.49,合著率为84.06%;25篇(36.23%)研究有基金支持;除“患者参与”“患者安全”高频关键词外,国内较关注“认知”(17.95%)、“用药安全”(12.82%)、“态度”(10.26%),国外较关注“医疗差错”(16.67%)。研究使用的调查工具以自制为主(52.17%)。结论 应加强不同研究机构间合作交流,增加研究项目的资金投入和技术支持,借鉴国内外较成熟的调查工具,使调查研究更科学、更可靠,同时不断扩大调查范围,促进患者参与患者安全的实施与推进。
Bibliometric Analysis of Patients Participating in Patient Safety Investigation and Research/XU Xiaofeng,LI Caili,HE Lingxiao,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(2):43-46
Abstract Objective To analyze the progress of patients participating inpatient safety related investigation and research at home and abroad, so as to provide reference for further in-depth study of patient safety. Methods Domestic and foreign databases such as Web of Science, PubMed, EMBASE, CNKI, VIP, Wanfang, and China Biomedicine were used as data sources to retrieve relevant literatures on patients participating in patient safety study established until December 31, 2019, and descriptive analysis was conducted by bibliometrics.Results A total of 1 355 articles were retrieved, and 69 studies were finally included. In recent years, studies on patient participating in patient safety had been increasing year by year. The authors were mostly from China (43, 62.31%). The degree of literature cooperation was 4.49, and the co-authorship rate was 84.06%. 25 studies (36.23%) were funded; in addition to the high-frequency keywords of "patient participation" and "patient safety", China paid more attention to "cognition" (17.95%), "medication safety" (12.82%) and "attitude" (10.26%), while foreign countries paid more attention to "medical error" (16.67%). The main survey tools used in the study were self-made (52.17%).Conclusion Cooperation and exchanges between different research institutions should be strengthened, funding and technical support for research projects should be increased, and more mature investigation tools should be used for reference to make the investigation more scientific and reliable. Furthermore, the scope of investigation should be continuously expanded to promote the participation of patients in the implementation and promotion of patient safety.
Key words Patient Participation; Patient Safety; Survey Tool; Bibliometrics
Firstauthor's address West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu,Sichuan,610041, China

2005年,世界卫生组织首次提出“患者参与患者安全(Patients for Patient Safety, PFPS)”行动计划,强调患者在提高医疗质量和安全中的核心地位[1],并于2006年成立患者安全工作小组,以推动患者参与项目的实施[2]。在我国,中国医院协会发布的《患者安全目标》也将患者参与患者安全作为十大目标之一[3]。目前,有关患者参与患者安全的研究越来越多,其内容涵盖了诸多方面,包括认识及态度、影响因素等,主要研究类型为横断面调查[1]。本研究分析了国内外患者参与患者安全相关调查研究的现状及调查工具,以期为今后相关调查研究提供参考。

