发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/9/9 15:27:34  浏览次数:1908次
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——王悦 蒋筠 胡忠心 孙驰 李莹莹 宋辉 张精华 崔秀峰

Increasing the Traceability Coverage Rate of Medical Waste Management Information/WANG Yue,JIANG Yun,HU Zhongxin,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(5):85-88,101
Abstract The quality control (QC) group activities were carried out in view of the low information tracing coverage rate of medical waste management. After investigation, it was confirmed that the crux of the problem was the low tracing coverage rate of metering item information. Brainstorm method was used to analyze the reasons and identify the key reasons one by one, and improvement measures were formulated from the aspects of carrying out targeted training, adopting the two-dimensional code information entry method, introducing intelligent weighing terminals, etc. After the implementation of the countermeasures, the traceability coverage rate of medical waste management information increased from 69.9% to 94%, realizing strict supervision and accurate traceability of medical waste.
Key words QC Group Activities; Hospital; Medical Waste; Management Information; Trace; Coverage Rate
First-author's address Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital,Tianjin,300060,China

1 选题理由

医疗废物安全有效管理对保障人体健康、环境生态及社会安定具有重要意义。当前,我国医疗废物的分类、回收、处置环节有漏洞,存在诸多安全隐患[1-2]。2020年,天津市医疗、环保、工业、公安、商务、城市管理、市场监督七部委联合发文,提出对医疗机构医疗废物管理进行专项整治。天津医科大学肿瘤医院为大型三级甲等医院,床位数2 000余张,年门诊量70余万人次,手术量35 000余例,2019年医疗废物年产量约900吨(约占全天津市的6.4%)。严格执行上级行政部门对医疗废物管理的要求,实现医疗废物的严格监管、精准追溯十分必要。以“提高医疗废物管理信息追溯覆盖率”为活动主题具有积极作用。

