发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/7/2 11:05:06  浏览次数:2779次
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——董娟娟 李亚娟 齐小玲 李国伟

【摘要】运用品管手法及科学统计工具,针对患者CRRT等待上机时间长的问题进行改进。经分析,导致患者CRRT等待上机时间长的真因有配液流程复杂,物品仪器管理不细致,护士接收医嘱耗时长,人员培训及管理不到位等。对此制定有效对策并实施,包括使用成品置换液,落实物品仪器精细化管理,加强CRRT信息化管理,构建医护联动管理机制并进行多元化培训等。项目改进使患者CRRT平均等待上机时间从135.67 min缩短至54.47 min,并形成了规范化流程,有助于医疗质量持续改进。
Shortening the CRRT Waiting Time for Patients/DONG Juanjuan,LI Yajuan,QI Xiaoling,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(4):80-84
AbstractQuality control techniques and scientific statistical tools were used to improve the problem of long CRRT waiting time of patients. After analysis, the reasons for the long waiting time for CRRT in patients were complex liquid dispensing process, careless equipment management, time-consuming for nurses to receive medical advice, and inadequate personnel training and management, etc. Effective countermeasures were formulated and implemented accordingly, including using finished product replacement fluid, implementing the fine management of goods and instruments, strengthening CRRT information management, constructing the linkage management mechanism of medical care and carrying out diversified training, etc. The improvement of the project shortened the average CRRT waiting time from 135.67 to 54.47minutes, formed a standardized process, and contributed to the continuous improvement of medical quality.
Key wordsQuality Control Circle;Problem Solving Quality Control Circle;Patients; Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT);Waiting Time
Firstauthor's addressFirst Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710032,China


名词定义:CRRT(Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy,连续肾脏替代疗法)是一种组织体外血液净化的治疗技术,是所有连续性、缓慢清除水分和溶质治疗方式的总称。患者CRRT等待上机时间即医生下达医嘱到护士为患者开始治疗的时长。患者CRRT平均等待上机时间=监测期间CRRT等待上机时间总和/监测期间CRRT总人数。

