发布人:yaot 发布时间:2023/11/23 17:36:24  浏览次数:541次
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——高晴 顾乡 李伟荣 王慧英

中图分类号:R197.323 文献标识码:B
Control Approach of Operation Proportion of Discharged Patients/GAO Qing,GU Xiang,LI Weirong,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2023,30(10):28-31
AbstractThe operation proportion of discharged patients is an important indicator of performance appraisal of public hospitals. By revising the operation catalogue of the hospital, standardizing the statistical caliber of the operation proportion index, and determining the target value of the operation proportion of discharged patients in the whole hospital, the target value of the surgical proportion of discharged patients in the department was effectively combined with the goal of the whole hospital and the department goal, and the target value of the operation proportion of discharged patients in the department was scientifically, reasonably and personalized, and the evaluation system of the operation proportion of discharged patients in the department was established. This system can fully tap the potential of surgical control of discharged patients in the department, help the department better calibrate the force point, guide the department to improve quality and efficiency, and strive to promote the development of the discipline.
Key words Discharged Patients;Operation Proportion;Clinical Department;Control Path
Firstauthor's address Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100050, China


1 出院患者手术占比管控实践

将全院出院患者手术占比目标值与各科室出院患者手术占比目标值有效结合是本研究的主要目标。为了使目标值分解与宏观政策要求一致,该院根据《手术操作分类代码国家临床版3.0(2021版)》目录以及医院原有手术目录,更新修订《医院手术目录(2021版)》。该目录共包含手术及介入治疗4 855条,规范了手术占比指标统计口径,统一了测算方法。
