发布人:yaot 发布时间:2023/10/18 9:23:21  浏览次数:319次
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——何琼 刘晨红

【摘要】目的 探讨DRG支付改革形势下医院医保基金的监管情况,促进医疗服务行为持续改进。方法 通过分析上海市某三级专科医院2021年医保审核情况,明确医保拒付原因,提出改进对策。结果 2021年医保审核条目12 665条,医保拒付条目2 693条,医保拒付金额1 804 967元。医保拒付条目数较多的项目有违规收费(42.8%)、医用耗材审核问题(20.4%)、超限定频次(19.6%)和超限定范围用药(11.6%),医保拒付金额最多的项目为违规收费(123 900元)。结论 医院可从组织、管理、技术和经济4个层面规范医疗服务行为,以适应DRG改革形势下的医保监管要求,促进医院健康可持续发展。
Continuous Improvement in Health Care Practice in the context of DRG Payment Reform/HE Qiong,LIU Chenhong.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2023,30(8):68-70,74
Abstract Objective?/b> To explore the supervision of hospital medical insurance fund under the situation of DRG payment reform, and improve the use efficiency of medical insurance fund. Methods By analyzing the medical insurance audit of a tertiary specialized hospital in Shanghai in 2021, the reasons for medical insurance refusal were clarified and the countermeasures for improvement were put forward.Results In 2021, there were 12 665 hospital medical insurance review entries, 2 693 medical insurance denials, 1 804 967 yuan in medicare denials. The items with the highest number of denials were illegal charges (42.8%) ,medical consumables review (20.4%), over-limit frequency(19.6%) and over-limit medication(11.6%).Among them,the item with the highest amount of rejection by the mesical insurance was illegal charges(123 900 yuan).Conclusion Hospitals can standardize medical insurance service behavior from the four levels of organization, management, technology and economy, so as to adapt to the requirements of medical insurance supervision under the situation of DRG reform and promote the healthy and sustainable development of hospitals.
Key words Diagnosis Related Group (DRG); Medical Insurance Supervision; Medical Insurance Denied Payment; Medical Insurance Fund; Tertiary Specialized Hospital
Firstauthor's address Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai, 200011, China

随着医保改革的逐步深化,截至2021年底,全国基本医保参保人数达136 297万人,参保率达95%以上,参保人群规模不断扩大,医保基金支出也呈现快速上升趋势[1]。近年来,全国各级医保行政部门持续开展打击骗保专项治理活动。2021年1月15日,时任国务院总理李克强签署第735号国务院令,公布《医疗保障基金使用监督管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),自2021年5月1日起正式施行[2],医保基金管理步入了法制化轨道。在DRG支付改革形势下,医保定点医疗机构进一步加强医保管理、强化医保基金监管日益重要。本研究分析了上海市某三级专科医院2021年医保审核情况和拒付原因,探讨了DRG支付改革形势下的医保监管对策,供相关管理者参考。?/div>


通过汇总2021年上级医保行政部门下发的智能审核信息和最终反馈的医保拒付信息,该院共收到医保智能审核数据12 665条,医保拒付条目2 693条,医保拒付金额1 804 967元。从表1可以看出,拒付条目数较多的项目主要涉及违规收费、医用耗材审核问题、超限定频次、超限定范围用药,占比分别为42.8%、20.4%、19.6%、11.6%。医保拒付金额最多的项目为违规收费,占68.6%。智能审核项目准确率是指医保拒付条目数占初审条目数的比例[3]。审核类别中,医用耗材审核问题和超限定频次问题审核准确率达100.0%,其次为违规收费、超限定范围用药,分别占82.3%、73.1%;智能审核准确率为0的项目有磁共振扫描、X线计算机体层(CT)扫描、分解住院、限定性别审核、按部位收费等。
