发布人:yaot 发布时间:2022/12/16 11:27:45  浏览次数:766次
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——贺哲 翁雨雄 夏家红 王莉霞 杨超 余晓云 张明 吴少玮

【摘要】目的 构建医师医疗能力分层分类评价体系,为客观反映医师能力和人力水平提供参考。方法 文献研究法、头脑风暴法、专家咨询法。结果 构建包含5个维度、14个评价指标的临床医师医疗能力评价体系。应用后,医院核心人力资源医疗能力评价区分度高,符合临床工作实际。结论 将DRG指标和传统医疗指标相结合,可以客观、全面评价医师医疗能力。但还需加强人员信息管理,保证病案首页数据质量,完善特殊科室医师医疗能力评价体系,建立临床科室+医管部门多维度的评价体系等。
中图分类号:R192.3;R197.323 文献标识码:A
Construction and Application of the Evaluation System of Physicians' Medical Competence Based on DRG/HE Zhe,WENG Yuxiong,XIA Jiahong,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2022,29(10):58-61
Abstract Objective To construct a hierarchical classification and evaluation system for medical competence of physicians, so as to provide a reference for objectively reflecting the competence and manpower level of physicians.Methods Literature research method, brainstorming method, and expert consulting method.Results A physicians' medical competence evaluation system was established, including 5 dimensions and 14 evaluation indicators. After the application, the evaluation of hospital core human resources medical ability had a high discrimination, which was in line with clinical practice.Conclusion The combination of DRG index and traditional medical index can objectively and comprehensively evaluate the medical competence of physicians. However, it is still necessary to strengthen the management of personnel information, ensure the quality of the first page data of medical records, improve the evaluation system of medical competence of physicians in special departments, and establish a multi-dimensional evaluation system of clinical departments and medical management departments.
Key words Core Human Resources; Evaluation of Medical Capacity; Index System; Evaluation Standard
Firstauthor's address Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan,Hubei,430022, China

2009年以来,我国出台多项公立医院薪酬改革相关文件,旨在建立符合医疗行业特点的人事薪酬改革制度[1]。2021年,《关于深化卫生专业技术人员职称制度改革的指导意见》(人社部发〔2021〕51号)要求,将治疗效果、手术难度、手术质量、住院费用等作为重要指标进行量化评价,以科学准确评价卫生专业技术人员的执业能力和水平;《关于深化公立医院薪酬制度改革的指导意见》(人社部发〔2021〕52号)强调,要充分落实医院内部分配自主权。如何坚持以患者为中心,发挥医疗机构自主分配权,对临床医师医疗业务水平和实际贡献进行合理评价是管理者面临的难点。本研究构建了基于疾病诊断相关分组(Diagnosis Related Group,DRG)的临床医师医疗能力评价体系,旨在供管理者参考。
