发布人:yaot 发布时间:2022/12/16 11:50:17  浏览次数:1939次
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——王涛 赵淑青 刘考

【摘要】目的 降低终末期肾病患者动静脉内瘘成熟不良率。方法 成立品管圈圈组,通过现状调查、原因解析明确问题真因,从制定动静脉内瘘院前指导规范,建立多学科协作模式;实施“VAP”评估模式,制定围手术期标准化管理流程;构建“互联网 +”智能宣教模式,优化院外延伸服务三方面进行改进。结果 终末期肾病患者动静脉内瘘成熟不良率由10.6%降低至3.3%。结论 开展品管圈活动降低了终末期肾病患者动静脉内瘘成熟不良率。
中图分类号:R692;R197.323 文献标识码:B
Reducing the Unsatisfactory Rate of Arteriovenous Fistula Maturation in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease/WANG Tao,ZHAO Shuqing,LIU Kao.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2022,29(12):89-92
Abstract Objective To reduce the unsatisfactory rate of arteriovenous fistula maturation in patients with end-stage renal disease.Methods The quality control circle group was established, and the real causes of the problems were identified through the cross-sectional investigation and cause analysis. Improvements were made from three aspects. The pre-hospital guidance norms of arteriovenous fistula were formulated, and the multidisciplinary cooperation mode was established. The "VAP" evaluation mode was implemented, and the standardized process of perioperative management was formulated. The "Internet +" intelligent education mode was constructed, and the extended services outside the hospital was optimized. Results The unsatisfactory rate of arteriovenous fistula in end-stage renal disease patients decreased from 10.6% to 3.3%. Conclusion Quality control circle activity can reduce the unsatisfactory rate of arteriovenous fistula in patients with end-stage renal disease.
Key words Quality Control Circle; Problem Solving Quality Control Circle; End-Stage Renal Disease; Arteriovenous Fistula
Firstauthor's address Qilu Hospital of Shandong University, Ji'nan,Shandong,250012,China


名词定义:动静脉内瘘成熟不良是指行动静脉内瘘成形术后12 w内瘘发育不良,不能满足透析需要,主要包括穿刺困难和(或)血流量不足[1]。其中:穿刺困难包括内瘘感染、渗血、血栓形成、血管狭窄等情况;血流量不足包括自然血流量≤500 mL/min和(或)透析时泵控血流量<200 mL/min。
