发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/7/2 10:31:52  浏览次数:1801次
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——李佳勋 徐娜 刘帆 陈彬

How to Improve the Quality of Quality Control Circle Meeting/LI Jiaxun,XU Na,LIU Fan,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(3):65-68
Abstract Aiming at the problems of low efficiency, single form and inadequate preparation of quality control circle meeting, six-thinking-hat method was introduced to improve the quality of the circle meeting. White-hat-thinking collected relevant information and data, green-hat-thinking stimulated circle members' creativity, yellow-hat-thinking looked for opportunities and advantages, black-hat-thinking analyzed risks and problems, red-hat-thinking expressed feelings and emotions, blue-hat-thinking controlled circle meeting and organized circle meeting results. Six-thinking-hat method made the group thinking mode of the circle change from vertical thinking to parallel thinking, and guided the circle members to understand the same problem from different perspectives at the same time, thus stimulated innovative thinking, condensed the consensus of the circle members, enhanced the mutual trust of the team, saved time cost and improved the quality of the circle meeting.
Key words Quality Control Circle; Circle Meeting; Quality; Six Thinking Hats Method
Firstauthor's address Hebei Dermatosis Prevention and Treatment Hospital, Baoding, Hebei, 071000, China



对河北省第六人民医院9期175个品管圈活动进行统计发现,从品管圈组建到步骤实施,平均一个圈在一期活动中至少要召开13次圈会,次均时长为45 min。有研究[5]显示,71.5%的圈月均圈会次数≥2次,月均圈会≥4次者占16.8%,35.7%的圈会次均时长≥60 min。圈会质量不高成为影响品管圈活动质量的一个重要问题。

一次圈会一般以30 min~50 min为宜。但由于医院工作任务繁重、护理班次多、临时突发事件多、学习培训多等,往往造成圈会前圈员难聚齐、圈会缺席率高、会中离场频繁、会议延迟等问题。低效率的圈会降低了圈员兴趣,不利于圈组凝聚力提升。

