发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/3/29 10:51:55  浏览次数:2743次
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——李凌 哈斯朝鲁 任颖 张耀武

【摘要】开展品管圈活动,对检验危急值首次出现到临床接收平均周转时间进行改进。通过现状调查、目标设定、解析等制定策略,包括加强送检标本信息化管理,多措并举提高复检工作效率,优化HIS系统危急值接收功能,设置个性化临床危急值标准等,并逐步实施。结果发现,检验危急值报告平均周转时间从15.62 min缩短至9.25 min,实现了检验质量指标提升,获得了临床认可,提高了患者满意度。
Shortening the Average Turnaround Time from the First Critical Value to Clinical Reception/LI Ling,HA Sichaolu,REN Ying,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(1):72-75
Abstract Through the quality control circle activities, the average turnaround time from the first occurrence of test critical value to clinical reception was improved.Strategies were developed through status investigation, goal setting, analysis, etc., including strengthening the information management of submitted specimens, taking multiple measures to improve the efficiency of reinspection, optimizing the reception function of HIS system for critical value, and setting personalized clinical critical value standard, etc., which were gradually implemented.The results showed that the average turnaround time of test critical value report was shortened from 15.62 min to 9.25 min, achieving the improvement of test quality index, obtaining clinical recognition and patient satisfaction.
Key words Quality Control Circle;Problem-Solving Quality Control Circle;Critical Value;Receipt Time
Firstauthor's address First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan, Shanxi,030001, China


全体圈员采用头脑风暴法,从上级政策、重要性、迫切性、圈能力4 个维度,依据5-3-1评分法,对所有备选主题进行评价,选定得分最高的“缩短危急值首次出现到临床接收平均周转时间”为本次活动主题。经QC-story判定,本期活动主题为问题解决型。
选题背景:危急值是临床实验室分析阶段重要的质量指标之一[2]。中国医院协会《2007 年患者安全目标暨主要措施》[3]、《临床检验危急值规范化管理京冀专家共识》[4]、《检验危急值在急危重病临床应用的专家共识(成人)》[5]等对检验危急值的定义、识别、报告、意义等都作了重要阐释。山西医科大学第一医院作为一家综合性三甲医院,其住院部检验科存在标本量大、危急值多、危急值报告延误等现象,临床危急值接收时间有一定改善空间。

