发布人:yaot 发布时间:2020/11/11 15:21:14  浏览次数:3058次
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——陆瑶 史婷奇 程建平 孙玉娇 王丹若 张秋香

Development and Application of Nursing Clinical Decision Support System/LU Yao,SHI Tingqi,CHENG Jianping,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2020,27(5):98-102
Abstract Using the research-oriented quality control circle approach, activities were taken on the development and application of nursing clinical decision support system.The nursing staff participated in the whole system design, testing, online training, application effect evaluation.The nursing clinical decision support system realized 10 intelligent functions, such as intelligent diagnosis and intelligent collection.Furthermore, after launch of the system, the incidence of nursing adverse events throughout the year dropped from 0.49 ‰ to 0.19 ‰, the incidence of nursing records quality control problem fell from 34 cases per quarter to 12 cases per quarter, nursing documents structured rate increased from 48% to 96%, and partial nursing documents writing time from 302 hours/day dropped to 139 hours/days, nursing medical records quality control reduced from 15 minutes to 6 minutes per copy, blood sugar monitoring unit time shortened from 670 to 282 seconds per time.The application of the system improved the quality of nursing care and work efficiency, which was worthy of promotion.
Key words Clinical Decision Support System;Nursing Clinical Decision Support System;Quality of Care;Patient Safety;Quality Control Circle
Firstauthor's address Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital, The Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, Jiangsu,210008, China


名词定义:临床决策支持系统(Clinical Decision Support System, CDSS)是一种利用人工智能技术与方法,针对半结构化或非结构化临床问题,基于知识推理和逻辑运算,自动完成电子病历中相关患者数据的采集、处理、分析,并在恰当的时机通过恰当的人机交互方式向决策者提供价值信息辅助决策的信息系统[1]。

