发布人:yaot 发布时间:2019/1/25 11:30:37  浏览次数:3067次
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朱婕 张葆康 徐淑华 牛爱荣



要】 TAT是反映临床检验结果是否及时、准时的重要指标。针对门诊血常规报告迟发难题开展QC小组活动,认为门诊血常规2报告迟发、复检标本迟发、扫码与接收间隔时间长为问题症结,运用关联图进行原因分析,制定要因确认表对末端因素逐一进行确认,针对5条要因从改变检测模式、加强培训与考核等4方面改进,使门诊血常规报告迟发率由7.21%降低为2.19%,提高了患者满意度,提升了检验科质量管理水平。

【关键词】 门诊;血常规;报告;迟发

Reduction of the delayed rate of outpatient blood routine reports

[Abstract] TAT is an important indicator to reflect whether the clinical test results are timely and on time. QC group activities were carried out for the delayed diagnosis of routine blood routine reports, and it was considered that the problems included the delayed outpatient blood routine report, the delayed retest specimens, the long scan code and the interval between receptions. The correlation analysis was used to analyze the causes and the cause confirmation table was established. The end factors were confirmed one by one, and the five factors were improved from aspects of the change of detection mode, strengthening training and assessment, so that the delayed rate of outpatient blood routine report was reduced from 7.21% to 2.19%, which improved patient satisfaction and improved the quality management level of the Laboratory Department.

Key words】 Outpatient; Blood routine examination; Report; Delayed

Address: Department of Clinical Laboratory, Qingdao Central Hospital, Qingdao 266042, China

1 选择课题

Turnaround Time,TAT),是反映检验结果是否及时、准时的主要参数。美国病理学家协会(College of American Pathologists,CAP)将TAT作为衡量检测结果时效性的数值指标 [1]。超过TAT的报告发放率称为报告迟发率。影响TAT的因素较多,从标本采集、运送、接收、检测到报告审核,任何一个环节延误,都会导致报告迟发率增加,造成患者诊断和治疗延误的后果。青岛市中心医院要求门诊三大常规项目TAT≤30分钟,>30分钟的报告为迟发报告,迟发报告率应<5%。经北京智方“检验之星”LIS系统统计,该院2016年10月11日-19日门诊血常规报告迟发率为7.21%,未达到医院要求。
