发布人:yaot 发布时间:2016/4/12 10:27:01  浏览次数:3896次
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◆陈敏 王维 杨兰 姚华珺

Reducing Incidence of Pressured Red Skin in Patients with Cardiac Surgery/CHEN Min,WANG Wei,YANG Lan,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2016,23(1):46-50
Abstract The quality control circle (QCC) management activity was conducted to reduce the incidence of pressured red skin from 53.2% to 15.3% in patients with cardiac surgery, which reached the target. It effectively decreased the incidence of pressured red skin in patients with cardiac surgery, decreased the incidence of pressure skin ulcer after surgery, improved the medical and nursing quality, which achieved continuous quality improvement.
Key words Heart Operation; Patients; Pressured Red Skin
Firstauthor's address Ruijin Hospital, Medical School of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai, 200025, China
