[1]史晓誉 王海银 谢春艳 金春林.患者决策辅助工具促进分担决策发展的国际经验及启示[J].中国卫生质量管理,2021,28(03):101-105.[doi:10.13912/j.cnki.chqm.2021.28.3.30 ]
 SHI Xiaoyu,WANG Haiyin,XIE Chunyan.International Experience and Implications on Patient Decision Aids on Enabling Shared Decision Making[J].Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(03):101-105.[doi:10.13912/j.cnki.chqm.2021.28.3.30 ]


《中国卫生质量管理》[ISSN:1006-7515/CN:CN 61-1283/R]



International Experience and Implications on Patient Decision Aids on Enabling Shared Decision Making
史晓誉 王海银 谢春艳 金春林
SHI XiaoyuWANG HaiyinXIE Chunyan
Shanghai Health Development Research Center
Patient Decision Aid Shared Decision Making Medical ServicesService Quality
In order to promote the development of shared decision making (SDM) in medical service, a variety of patient decision aids (PtDA) have been developed internationally. Through the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute as the data source, the top four countries in terms of development quantity of PtDA, the United States, Canada, English and Australia, were selected to make a descriptive analysis on the development and use status. In order to improve the doctor-patient relationship, it should develop and use PtDA in China; to reduce the excessive medical treatment and reduce the pressure of medical insurance; to improve patients' cognitive ability of medical decision-making and continuously improve the quality of medical service. Key wordsPatient Decision Aid; Shared Decision Making; Medical Services;Service Quality


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