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 LIU Haoran,WEI Yuehui,JIAN Weiyan.A Comparative Study of Medical Quality Indicators in ICU in China and Abroad[J].Chinese Health Quality Management,2024,31(05):022-28.[doi:10.13912/j.cnki.chqm.2024.31.5.06]


《中国卫生质量管理》[ISSN:1006-7515/CN:CN 61-1283/R]



A Comparative Study of Medical Quality Indicators in ICU in China and Abroad
刘皓冉 魏粤晖 简伟研
LIU HaoranWEI YuehuiJIAN Weiyan
School of Public Health, Peking University
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)Medical Quality IndicatorsEvaluationCritical Care Medicine
ObjectiveTo systematically sort out medical quality indicators in intensive care unit (ICU) in China and abroad and conduct comparative analysis,so as to provide reference for the evaluation of ICU medical quality in China. MethodsPolicy review and literature review methods were used.ResultsThe development of ICU medical quality indicators included the formulation by relevant organizations or departments and the formulation by researchers themselves. Process indicators and outcome indicators were widely concerned, especially the three major indicators related to infection rate and mortality. There was difference in the attention paid to structural indicators. The research on ICU quality index was mostly applied research, but lack of evaluation research.Conclusion In order to improve the medical quality of ICU in China, it is necessary to unify the theoretical basis and classification criteria of indicators, broaden the categories of indicators, improve the measurement accuracy, implement index training, establish a dynamic management mechanism, and optimize the index system regularly.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-05-15