 LIU Caifei,LIU Xiaomin,LONG Zhuo.Summary of Best Evidence for the Prevention and Control Management of Bloodstream Infections Associated with Central Venous Catheters for Blood Purification[J].Chinese Health Quality Management,2024,31(03):045-50.[doi:10.13912/j.cnki.chqm.2024.31.3.12]


《中国卫生质量管理》[ISSN:1006-7515/CN:CN 61-1283/R]



Summary of Best Evidence for the Prevention and Control Management of Bloodstream Infections Associated with Central Venous Catheters for Blood Purification
LIU CaifeiLIU XiaominLONG Zhuo
The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi ’an Jiaotong University
HemodialysisCentral Venous CathetersCatheter-Related Bloodstream InfectionEvidence SummaryEvidence-Based Nursing
ObjectiveTo retrieve, evaluate and summarize the evidence of prevention and control management of bloodstream infection related to central venous catheter for blood purification, and provide evidence-based basis for hemodialysis care.MethodsAccording to the "6S" evidence model, clinical practice guidelines, expert consensus, systematic review, evidence summary and best clinical practice for the prevention and control of bloodstream infections related to central venous catheters for blood purification were systematically searched in databases and websites. The search period was up to July 25, 2023. Literature quality evaluation, evidence extraction, analysis and integration were conducted by two researchers.ResultsA total of 16 studies were included, including 8 guidelines, 5 expert consensus, and 3 systematic reviews. Forty-one pieces of best evidence were summarized from 7 aspects of risk factors and system management, sterile barrier, catheter indwelling, catheter assessment, catheter maintenance, and flushing and sealing tube management.Conclusion In the process of evidence transformation, medical staff should apply the evidence according to the catheter retention time and individual differences of patients, and timely update the relevant evidence to reduce the incidence of bloodstream infections associated with central venous catheters for blood purification.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-03-15