发布人:yaot 发布时间:2022/12/16 11:38:23  浏览次数:797次
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——张玉莲 郑芸辉 刘红梅 王英

中图分类号:R47 文献标识码:B
Promoting the High-Quality Development of Clinical Nursing by the "Six-New" Mode: A Case Study of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital/ZHANG Yulian,ZHENG Yunhui,LIU Hongmei,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2022,29(11):53-56
Abstract The high quality development of nursing discipline promotes the high quality development of public hospitals. This paper introduced the "six-new" mode of high quality development of clinical nursing in Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, which was in line with the requirements of the times, including nursing management, patient experience, talent team, discipline construction, efficiency improvement and cultural construction. Its implementation results were summarized and analyzed, and thinking was carried out on how to further promote the high-quality development of clinical nursing from the perspective of information construction. It provided reference for promoting the high-quality development of clinical nursing.
Key words Clinical Nursing; High Quality Development;Department of Nursing; Nursing Management; Nursing Services; Nursing Personnel
Firstauthor's address Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Xi'an,Shaanxi,710068,China

