发布人:yaot 发布时间:2022/8/26 10:41:47  浏览次数:1023次
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——吴红娟 李小妹 张西嫔 牛亚琦 郑芸辉 闫倚天 孟伊霏

【摘要】目的 研制护士静脉治疗核心能力评价量表,并进行信效度检验。方法 以静脉治疗专科护士核心能力评价指标为基础,通过文献回顾、半结构访谈、德尔菲和预调查等方法形成量表终稿。于2021年2月5日-7日采用分层随机抽样法选取陕西省1家三级医疗机构、3家二级医疗机构及3家社区卫生服务中心398名临床护士进行调查,运用SPSS 22.0软件和AMOS 21.0软件对调查结果进行项目分析、效度分析和信度分析。结果 护士静脉治疗核心能力评价量表包括5个维度共28个条目。探索性因子分析共提取5个公因子,解释了总变量的80.86%;验证因子分析显示,模型拟合度较好。总量表Cronbach’s α系数为0.953,分半信度为0.793,重测信度为0.904,内容效度为0.960。结论 护士静脉治疗核心能力评价量表具有良好的信效度,可用于评价护士静脉治疗核心能力。
Development and Validation of Intravenous Therapy Core Competence Evaluation Scale for Nurses/WU Hongjuan,LI Xiaomei,ZHANG Xipin,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2022,29(7):62-66
Abstract Objective To develop a scale for measuring core competence of intravenous therapy of clinical nurses and to test its reliability and validity.Methods Based on the evaluation index of the core competence of intravenous therapy for nurses, related literatures and the semi-structured interview, Delphi method and pre-survey method were used to form the initial scale. By stratified random sampling method, 398 clinical nurses from one tertiary medical institution, three secondary medical institutions and three community health service centers in Shaanxi Province were selected as participants from 5 to 7 February, 2021, and the collected data were analyzed by item analysis, validity and reliability analysis by using the SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 21.0. Results The intravenous therapy core competence scale for clinical nurses consisted of five dimensions and 28 items. Exploratory factor analysis extracted five factors that explained 80.86% of the total variance. The confirmatory factor analysis results showed that the model fitted well. The Cronbach's alpha, split-half reliability, test-retest reliability and content validity index were 0.953, 0.793, 0.904 and 0.960,respectively.Conclusion The intravenous therapy core competence evaluation scale for clinical nurses had good reliability and validity, which can be used as an evaluation tool for nurses’ core competence of intravenous therapy.
Key words Nurse; Intravenous Therapy; Core Competence; Evaluation Scale; Reliability; Validity
First-author's address Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710061, China

静脉治疗是将各种药物(包括血液制品)以及血液通过静脉注入血液循环的治疗方法,包括静脉注射、静脉输液和静脉输血[1]。静脉治疗是临床上应用最广泛的护理操作之一[1]。新技术和先进输液器具的发展,为患者带来益处的同时,也增加了风险[2]。核心能力是护士履行职责所必需的能力[3]。美国静脉输液护理协会(Infusion Nurses Society, INS)[4]指出,护士核心能力是影响静脉治疗质量的关键因素。对护士静脉治疗核心能力展开评价,能够准确反映其工作能力水平。目前,我国已有学者开展了护士静脉治疗核心能力评价指标体系构建研究[5-6],主要适用于经外周中心静脉置管(Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter, PICC)专科护士等。临床常规静脉治疗工作(如静脉输液)多由非静脉治疗专科护士承担,现阶段尚缺乏适用于非静脉治疗专科护士的核心能力评价工具。本研究结合临床护理工作要求,研制适用于护士的静脉治疗核心能力评价量表并对其进行信效度检验,以期为提升护士静脉治疗水平奠定基础。