发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/7/2 11:02:02  浏览次数:1621次
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——杨瑶 如婳 王霞 曾多 唐佳骥 许欣悦

Optimization Strategy of Hospital Performance Management Based on Data Envelopment Analysis/YANG Yao,RU Hua,WANG Xia,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(4):70-74
Abstract ObjectiveTo explore the application of data envelopment analysis method in the efficiency evaluation of clinical departments in hospitals and put forward performance management optimization strategies.MethodsTaking 39 clinical departments of a tertiary general hospital in Beijing as samples, the DRGs method was used to adjust the risk of inpatient service output, the radial model was used to static measure the technical efficiency of departments from 2018 to 2019, and the global reference Malmquist index model was used to dynamic measure the monthly total factor productivity and the change of its decomposition composition of departments in two years.ResultsFrom 2018 to 2019, only three departments were overall effective, and total factor productivity was on the rise, mainly driven by the effect of technological progress, while the contribution of structural effect was limited.Conclusion Data envelopment analysis showed technical superiority and practical value in annual and monthly efficiency evaluation of clinical departments. Measures were proposed accordingly, which included the risk adjustment based on DRGs, improving the flexibility and adaptability of performance management,providing objective and fair perspective of efficiency evaluation, efficiency driving performance improvement, proper use of measurement methods.
Key words Data Envelopment Analysis; Clinical Departments; Efficiency Evaluation; Diagnosis Related Groups; Performance Management
Firstauthor's address Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing,100730, China

卫生体系效率评价的测量一般采用技术效率方法[1-2]。数据包络分析(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)是一种既可用于单一变量,又可用于跨期和多投入-多产出的效率分析非参数方法[3-5],自20世纪80年代被引入卫生计量经济学研究起[6],是目前公认的评价医疗机构效率较为先进的有效方法之一。

