发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/4/13 11:54:40  浏览次数:1424次
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——孟朝琳 蔡源益 吴华章2

Research and Thinking on Implementation Effect Evaluation of DRGs/MENG Zhaolin,CAI Yuanyi,WU Huazhang.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(2):35-38
Abstract Diagnosis related groups (DRGs)payment method has gradually become the mainstream medical insurance payment method for inpatients. By searching domestic and foreign literatures, the study concluded that the evaluation indexes of the implementation effect of DRGs reflected not only the core indexes of medical cost and medical quality, but also the unexpected influence indexes such as diagnosis upgrade and cost transfer. The evaluation methods included both quantitative and qualitative research. The evaluation results were different because of different evaluation indexes and methods. Therefore, the establishment of a systematic and scientific evaluation index system and the adoption of qualitative and quantitative comprehensive evaluation methods are conducive to the objective and comprehensive evaluation of the implementation effect of DRGs.
Key words Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs); Implementation Effect; Evaluation Index; Evaluation Method; Review
Firstauthor's address School of Nursing, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100069, China

疾病诊断相关分组(Diagnosis Related Groups,DRGs)最早由美国国家卫生筹资管理局于1983 年开发应用,作为一种补偿美国老年医疗保健(Medicare)住院患者住院费用的方式,用来控制医疗费用的不合理增长[1]。它将住院患者的疾病按诊断、年龄、性别、有无合并症、并发症等分为若干组,对每个组制定相应支付标准,由保险机构按标准向医院支付费用。1995年以来,英国、法国、德国、荷兰和瑞典等为提升医院运行效率,陆续实施了DRGs支付制度[2]。近年来,一些亚洲国家为控制医疗费用不合理增长,也引入了DRGs支付制度[3]。本研究检索了1983年-2020年国内外有关DRGs实施效果评价的文献,对DRGs实施效果的评价指标及结果、评价方法两方面进行了综述,供国内DRGs相关研究者及决策者参考。



