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——张琳琳 马旭东 何璇 高浩然 谷鸿秋 王海波 尹畅 王彩云 杨昕 李子孝 王拥军 周建新1,2

【摘要】目的 了解我国三级公立医院神经重症住院患者医疗质量现状。方法 采用病案首页主要诊断和其他诊断的疾病编码,提取医院质量监测系统中2013年1月1日-2017年12月31日诊断为神经系统疾病的神经重症患者信息。采用SPSS 21.0统计软件对相关指标数据进行分析。结果 全国506家三级公立医院共计220 027例神经重症患者纳入研究,其中,男性患者居多,占住院总人次的58.61%,年龄中位数(四分位数)为58(27,72)岁。患者住院死亡率和平均住院天数呈逐年下降趋势,出院人数逐年增加,机械通气时间逐年缩短,31天重返ICU率在小范围内波动。神经重症患者付费方式以城镇职工基本医疗保险为主,新型农村合作医疗保险次之。结论 我国神经重症医疗质量逐年上升,救治水平在逐步提高,未来仍需继续关注结构、过程、结局指标,以持续改进。

Analysis of the Status Quo of the Quality of Neurocritical Care Medicine in Chinese Tertiary Public Hospitals from 2013 to 2017/ZHANG Linlin,MA Xudong,HE Xuan,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2020,27(6):33-36
Abstract Objective To investigate the current status of the medical quality of neurocritical inpatients in tertiary public hospitals in China.Methods Based on the disease code of the main diagnosis and other diagnoses on the first page of the medical record, data was extracted from patients who were admitted to the intensive care units during hospitalization due to neurological diseases from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2017 in the hospital quality monitoring system (HQMS). The SPSS 21.0 statistical software was used for data analysis.Results Among the 506 tertiary public hospitals, 220 027 patients with severe neurological diseases were included in the study. Among them, the majority of male patients accounted for 58.61% of the total hospitalization, and the median age and quartile were 58 (27-72) years old. The in-hospital mortality and average length of stay showed a downward trend, and the number of discharged patients increased year by year, the mechanical ventilation time shortened year by year, and the rate of 31-day return to ICU fluctuated within a small range. The basic medical insurance for urban workers was the main payment method for patients with severe neurological diseases, followed by the new rural cooperative medical insurance.Conclusion The medical quality of neurologic severe diseases in China was increasing year by year, and the treatment level was gradually improving. In the future, it still need to continue to pay attention to the structure, process and outcome indicators, and make continuous improvement.
Key words Tertiary Public Hospital;Neurocritical Care;Medical Quality;Home Page of Medical Record;Quality Improvement
Firstauthor's address Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, 100070, China

经重症(Neurocritical Care, NCC)是集重症医学与神经病学于一体的交叉学科[1],其临床诊疗对象为罹患神经系统疾病并存在或潜在器官功能衰竭的患者[2]。我国神经重症亚专科成立较晚[3-4],医疗质量相关数据较少[5]。本研究依托国家卫生健康委员会医政医管局的医院质量监测系统(Hospital Quality Monitoring System, HQMS),对全国三级公立医院神经重症住院患者医疗质量现状进行调查,旨在为神经重症医疗质量持续改进提供依据。




?经重症患者的年龄、平均住院天数和人均住院费用属于计量资料,因服从偏态分布,故采用中位数(四分位间距)描述。性别、不同付费方式、主要危险因素、临床诊断、住院死亡和非医嘱离院属于计数资料,采用频数及构成比描述。对神经重症医疗质量结局指标2013年-2017年变化进行纵向趋势比较描述。采用SPSS 21.0统计软件进行数据分析。
