发布人:yaot 发布时间:2020/11/11 15:16:28  浏览次数:1808次
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——危志华 彭杰 刘婉君 杨湘薇 宋阳

【摘要】目的 了解国际第二受害者研究热点和发展趋势,为我国相关研究提供参考。方法 以Web of Science数据库为统计源,利用CiteSpaceV5.4软件对第二受害者研究文献进行可视化分析。结果 共纳入85篇文献,年发文量呈上升趋势。发表期刊共计60种,前3名分别为《BMJ》《Journal Of Patient Safety》及《BMJ OPEN》。美国发文量遥遥领先,占比高达57.65%(49篇)。19位高产作者中以Wu、Kris、Maetin、Eva及Walter等发文量最多,各4篇;初步形成两个核心作者合作团队。研究对象以医生为主,研究热点集中在第二受害者综合征、机构支持、患者安全及安全文化等。结论 第二受害者成为近年来国际医疗安全管理研究的新方向。国内学者可围绕研究热点进一步推进,以保障患者安全和医务人员身心健康。
Visual Analysis of Research Hotspot on the Second Victim/WEI Zhihua,PENG Jie,LIU Wanjun,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2020,27(5):79-82
Abstract Objective To investigate international research status quo and development trend of the second victim to provide reference for related research in China. Methods with the Web of Science as the statistical source, the CiteSpaceV5.4 software was used for visualization analysis on the research literatures of second victim.Results A total of 85 articles were included with annual publication volume being on the rise. A total of 60 journals published with the top three of the "BMJ" "Journal Of Patient Safety" and "BMJ OPEN"respectively. The number of articles published in the United States was far ahead, accounting for 57.65% (49 articles). Among the 19 prolific authors, Wu、Kris、Maetin、Eva and Walter published the most articles for each of four papers. Initially two core author cooperation teams were formed; The study participants were mainly doctor. Researches focused on secondary victim syndrome, institutional support, patient safety and patient safety culture. Conclusion The second victim has become an emerging research direction of international medical safety management in recent years. Domestic scholars can further promote the above research hotspots to ensure the safety of patients and the physical and mental health of medical staff.
Key words Second Victim; Patient Safety; Research Hotspots; Bibliometrics; Visual Analysis
Firstauthor's address School of Nursing, Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510405, China

      第二受害者(Second Victim,SV)最早由学者Wu A W[1]于2000年提出。他将经历不良事件伤害的患者及其家属称为第一受害者,而将涉及不良事件并遭受身心创伤的医护人员定义为第二受害者。目前,医疗机构及管理者对不良事件的处理多倾向于追究责任,这将导致医务人员服务质量降低,并引发更多不良事件[2]。国内外相关报道指出,第二受害者的估计患病率为50%~77%[3-5]。我国学者最早于2015年开始启动第二受害者相关方面研究,目前发表的高质量文献较少[6]。本研究利用CiteSpace软件分析近20年国际第二受害者研究趋势和热点,以期为我国开展相关研究提供参考。

