发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/9/9 15:29:49  浏览次数:1946次
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——薛缪群 计长琴 刘景瑜 王勤 石青青 陈园园 蒋玥 朱颖春 山惠枝 贺方方 陆菲菲 孙小玲 孔娜

Construction of a Whole-Process Diagnosis and Treatment Mode for Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome in Assisted Reproductive Therapy Based on Doctor-Nurse-Patient Collaboration/XUE Miaoqun,JI Changqin,LIU Jingyu,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(6):85-89,101
Abstract Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is one of the main complications of in vitro pregnancy and assisted reproduction, it can endanger the life of the patient without timely treatment. It is very important for assisted reproductive technology to reduce the incidence of OHSS. From the work practice, the method of research type quality control circle was used to develop countermeasures for implementation from three aspects of before, during and after OHSS treatment, on management system, diagnosis and treatment measures, and patient collaboration, which included the construction of key diagnosis and treatment point strategy, the establishment of the whole process of medical management mode, and the strengthening of patient education in multiple directions and channels. Through the implementation of a series of measures, the incidence of OHSS decreased significantly, the comfort and safety of assisted reproductive technology was improved significantly, and the effect was significant.
Key words Quality Control Circle; Research Type Quality Control Circle; Assisted Reproductive Therapy;Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome; Multidisciplinary Treatment
First-author's address Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital,the Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 210008, China


名词定义:(1)不孕症是指男女双方同居1年未采取任何避孕措施,性生活正常而没有成功妊娠。(2)体外受精-胚胎移植(In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer,IVF-ET)及其衍生技术是指在可控范围内使用外源性的促性腺激素(Gonadotrophin,Gn)诱发多个卵泡同步发育和成熟,然后经阴道超声取卵、体外受精、胚胎培养等人工生育技术。(3)卵巢过度刺激综合征(Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome,OHSS)即IVF-ET治疗后的严重并发症。OHSS发生率=发生OHSS的周期数÷治疗周期数×100%。
