发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/7/2 11:03:58  浏览次数:2446次
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——黄婧雅 姚瑶

【摘要】目的分析20年来我国大陆地区医疗机构品管圈应用相关文献,梳理研究热点,为后续研究提供参考。方法以“品管圈、QCC”为主题词,对中国知网(CNKI)2000年-2019年收录的相关文献进行检索,应用CiteSpace软件对纳入文献进行分析。结果共纳入8 486篇文献,词频≥100的关键词有23个,形成有意义的聚类7个,研究热点集中在健康宣教、手术患者、药学服务、产科护理、安全管理和准确率等方面。结论近年来我国大陆地区品管圈领域相关研究呈增长趋势,研究内容丰富,应用领域广泛,但研究质量和深度仍有待提高。未来应加强多中心及多区域合作攻关,提高研究水平;搭建信息管理平台,推动成果转化等,以促进医疗质量和安全不断提升。
Visualization Analysis of Research Hotspots in Quality Control Circle/HUANG Jingya,YAO Yao.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2021,28(4):75-79
Abstract ObjectiveTo explore the research hotspots of the field of quality control circle (QCC) of medical institutions in China for nearly twenty years, to provide reference for future research. MethodsWith the subject term of "quality control circle and QCC", the relevant literatures included in China National Knowledge Internet (CNKI) database from 2000 to 2019 were retrieved. The CiteSpace was used to analyze the included literatures. ResultsA total of 8 486 literatures were included, 23 keywords with word frequency ≥100 were included, and 7 meaningful clusters were formed. The research hotspots focused on health education, surgical patients, pharmaceutical care, obstetric care, safety management and accuracy rate. Conclusion In recent years, the related research in the field of QCC in China has been growing, with rich research contents and wide application fields, but the quality and depth of the research still need to be improved. In the future, multi-center and multi-regional cooperation should be strengthened to tackle key problems and improve the research level, to build an information management platform, promote the transformation of results, etc.,so as to promote the continuous improvement of medical quality and safety.
Key words CiteSpace; Quality Control Circle; Visualization Analysis; Research Hotspots
Firstauthor's address Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510280, China

品管圈(Quality Control Circle, QCC)近年来已被广泛应用于我国医院质量管理活动中,在医疗质量管理领域发挥了重要作用[1-3]。截至2018年,在中国医院品质管理联盟的推动下,QCC活动在数量上突飞猛进,参与的医务人员达70万[4-5],产出质量改进项目80 000多个,内容涉及护理、医疗、药学、医技、院感、后勤、行政等领域[6-8]。同时,也有医院管理者致力于以QCC促进医院管理的新思路研究[9-12]。QCC与行政管理的有机结合,变行政命令为现场改善,使品管圈应用在医院管理领域实现了实践-理论-再实践的螺旋式上升[5]。然而, 目前QCC主要集中于具体案例的开展和应用研究,对研究现状、发展路径及开展活动内容的关系脉络等呈现较少[13]。CiteSpace是基于共引分析理论和特定算法,探测某一学科或图1文献发表时间分布图领域结构、规律以及分布的一种可视化分析软件,由此形成科学知识图谱,可直观、全面了解该领域的研究热点、前沿地带及发展走向[14]。本研究以中国知网(CNKI)数据库为数据来源,应用CiteSpace软件梳理我国大陆地区20年来医疗机构品管圈领域的研究热点及前沿方向,以期更好地为医院品管圈应用和推广提供参考。

