发布人:yaot 发布时间:2021/1/21 10:48:31  浏览次数:2379次
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——关亚庆 张晓阳 闫淑娟 王蕾 黄田张 吴玉燕*

Constructing the Transitional Period Y-Type Pathway Standardized Nursing Model for Critical ICU Patients in Neurosurgery Department/GUAN Yaqing,ZHANG Xiaoyang,YAN Shujuan,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2020,27(6):96-102
Abstract According to the activity steps of research-oriented quality control circle, the current situation of transitional care was investigated from general wards, neurosurgical ICU, community hospitals and other aspects, and it was focused on the evaluation, transfer, handover, return visit and other links. In view of existing problems, improvements were made from aspects of the organization and training, multidisciplinary collaboration, standardized intervention, nursing mode, etc. After the activity, the total transport time was shortened from 51.96 min to 26 min, the ICU re-entry rate was reduced from 7.18% to 4.76%, and the incidence of post-ICU syndrome was reduced from 68.21% to 52.16%, which reduced the risk of adverse events, ensured the safety of patients, and achieved significant clinical effects.
Key words Quality Control Circle;Research-Oriented Quality Control Circle; ICU;Transition Period; Standardized Care; Nursing Quality
Firstauthor's address Second Affiliated Hospital of Air Force Military Medical University,Xi'an,Shaanxi,710038,China


   圈员从有效性、可行性、经济性、时间性、 自主性5方面,对4个备选课题按5-3-1评分法进行筛选,选定得分最高的“构建神经外科ICU危重患者过渡期Y型路径标准化护理模式”为本期活动主题。经QC-Story判定,本期活动主题为课题研究型。

