发布人:yaot 发布时间:2019/6/19 17:29:11  浏览次数:2825次
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——覃爱开 潘石蕾 罗锦兰 陈高文 杨琼辉 姚瑶

Reducing the Incidence of Maternal Emergency/QIN Aikai,PAN Shilei,LUO Jinlan,et al.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2019,26(3):98-101
AbstractObjective To reduce the incidence of maternal emergency.MethodsThe quality control circle group was established. Through the investigation of the current situation and the analysis of the causes, four true causes were identified, and countermeasures were widely formulated, including the implementation of uterine contractility control measures, the implementation of emergency critical care support training, the establishment of head basin evaluation program, and construction of a maternal mother infant management mode.ResultsThe incidence of maternal emergency was reduced from 11.72% to 4.06%.Conclusion The development of quality control circle activities can effectively reduce the incidence of maternal emergency, standardize the emergency delivery process, reduce complications, and practice the concept of high-quality delivery service, which is worth promoting.
Key wordsQuality Control Circle; Matemal Woman; Emergency Delivery; Incidence
Firstauthor's addressZhujiang Hospital,Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong,510282, China


名词定义:妊娠 28 周以后分娩过一次,再次怀孕后要分娩称为经产妇。急产指产妇临产后子宫收缩力过强、过频(10min内宫缩≥5 次,宫腔压力≥60mmHg),分娩在短时间内结束,总产程<3h[1]。