发布人:yaot 发布时间:2019/1/25 11:21:31  浏览次数:3078次
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吴小红 刘兰辉 姚 涛 黄海凤



【摘 要】 QC小组是全面质量管理的重要一环。目前,QC小组活动在我国医疗行业的开展越来越广泛。阐述了我国医疗行业QC小组活动开展现状,指出QC小组活动与品管圈实为同一事物,比较了两者在课题类型、活动程序、原因解析方面的不同点。认为现阶段我国医疗行业开展QC小组活动存在选题重复,工具应用欠规范,对策单一或超出圈组能力范围等问题,并提出了改进建议。提出医疗行业有必要积极学习企业推广QC小组活动的成熟经验,使品管圈真正成为一种切实、有效的质量改善工具,通过不断推广应用形成潜移默化的医院文化,促使医疗质量持续改进。


Status, problems and Suggestions of QC group activities in medical industry

[Abstract] The QC team is an important part of total quality management. At present, QC group activities are more and more widely carried out in medical industry in China. This paper expounded the status quo of the QC group activities in medical industry in China and pointed out that the QC group activities and the quality control circle were the same thing, with comparing of the differences on topics, activities, and reasons between the two types. It was believed that the current QC group activities in China's medical industry had the problems on repeated selection of topics, unstandardized application of tools, the single countermeasures or beyond the capabilities scope of the circle group, and suggestions for improvement were proposed. It is necessary to actively study the mature experience of the QC group activities in the medical industry, so that the quality control circle can truly become a practical and effective quality improvement tool. Through continuous promotion and application, a subtle hospital culture can be formed to continuously improve the quality of medical care.

[Keywords] QC group; quality control circle; activity program; problem; suggestion

Address: China Health Quality Management Magazine, Xi'an 710068, China

QC小组(QC Circles,英文缩写QCC)活动,全称为质量管理小组活动,是员工参与全面质量管理的一种非常重要的组织形式。近年来,由于其具有明显的自主性、广泛的群众性、高度的民主性、严密的科学性等特点[1],在医疗机构中的应用越来越广泛。

