发布人:yaot 发布时间:2018/8/10 12:01:49  浏览次数:3168次
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——程金焱 沈慧 陈晓虹

Improving the Implementation Rate of Preventive Measures for Deep Venous Thrombosis in Major Orthopedic Surgery/CHENG Jinyan,SHEN Hui,CHEN Xiaohong.//Chinese Health Quality Management,2018,25(3):58-61
Abstract The implementation rate of preventive measures for deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in patients with major orthopedic surgery was low. The main reasons included no DVT risk assessment tool, no DVT quality control standards, no quality control staff assessment measure, and no doctor's advice. In this regard, improvements were made from four aspects of tools, standards, methods, and doctor's advice, which increased the implementation rate of preventive measures for DVT in major orthopedic surgery from 39.29% to 89.86%. The management of DVT prevention in major orthopedic surgery patients had been standardized, which achieved the purpose of continuous quality improvement.
Key words Orthopedics; Major Surgery; Deep Vein Thrombosis; Preventive Measures
Firstauthor's address Haikou People's Hospital, Central South University Xiangya School of Medicine Affiliated Haikou Hospital, Haikou, Hainan,570208, China